Sunday, April 22, 2007

Carnival of Children's Literature 13

Jen Robinson, over at Jen Robinson's Book Page, has posted the 13th Carnival of Children's Literature. I missed this last night - Jen caught me sleeping ! Do go over and take a look at the many and varied posts that Jen has gathered up - but be warned, it'll take some time to get through them all.

If you're new to Blogging and are wondering what is a Carnival of Children's Literature, please check out this helpful post from Susan Thomsen at Chicken Spaghetti. Susan will be hosting the next Carnival on Monday 21 May and the deadline for submission is Thursday 17 May.


Mai said...

I'm not new to blogging yet I've never heard of a Carnival. What a fantastic thing! I cannot tell you how much time I've happily sunk into exploring these links. Thanks so much for providing them. -M.

Michele said...

You're very welcome... Carnivals are great fun - and yes, they can be very time consuming, following all the links...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing about the carnival. This is one time when I'm ahead in my reading (having organized the carnival), because I'm sure that I've already read all of the posts.

Michele said...

I'm going to read in stages during the week otherwise I'll just give up in panic at the sheer volume of posts !