Thursday, April 26, 2007

My Daemon is

... Nithreus. Everyone seems to be doing this at the moment (well everyone who's a fan of "His Dark Materials"), and I couldn't resist joining in. You can find out your Daemon via the Golden Compass movie website.

Mine isn't settled yet, so if you want to check whether you agree with how I see myself, feel free to comment on whether or not you agree via the link in the graphic. It won't settle for 12 days.


Kelly said...

Hmm...why not settled yet?

Michele said...

Well I wasn't 100% convinced by the result...

Mai said...

I *have* to do this. I've just started to re-read these books. My eldest daughter is mad for them - I bet she will LOVE to take the test!

Kelly said...

I'm wondering how come my was "settled" right away?!? Hmmm...this is all very strange :)

Traci said...

My daemon's name was Aerodan. It was like a wild cat....I actually enjoyed my answers!

MotherReader said...

Seems right to me from your blog, but I don't want to be the one to make that call. But a tiger is pretty cool.

Unknown said...

I think it's dead on. I clicked "agree" or "strongly agree" for everything.

Michele said...

Kelly, it gives you the option, towards the end, to accept exactly what it gives you, or to ask your friends for their views - I guess you clicked the "accept" button...

Sheila, MotherReader - thanks, some feedback is useful...

Mai, do try it - and with your daughter...

Acting gal, I'm glad you liked your answers...

Anonymous said...

I did it this morning, and I've been freaked all day. I turned out to be a gibbon - yeah, that's right, a Golden Monkey! I'm Mrs. Coulter!!!

Michele said...

Right, because I know you make a habit of sacrificing children to further your career, Eisha... !

Unknown said...

Hey, Michele, you're a spider now. Did you know?

Michele said...

No I didn't... Shucks, I don't want a spider... :-(

Unknown said...

Hi Michele,

You'll be glad to know you're not a spider anymore! You're an ocelot now.

Michele said...

Yes I did know - funnily enough, I checked this morning...