Monday, April 09, 2007

Reviews to come

I apologise to everyone who's been hoping to see a book review here some time in the past week and found only poetry and vaguely writerly witterings. I've got reviews pending of The Fledging of Az Gabrielson (Jay Amory), The Swan Kingdom (Zoe Marriott), The Twin Dilemma (Eric Saward) and The Butterfly Tattoo (Philip Pullman), plus the non-fiction The Science of Doctor Who (Paul Parsons) this week. The reason I've not been writing reviews is that my fourth "Doctor Who" story was burning holes in my brain and I needed to get it onto paper before I could write anything else. Now that I've spent the entire Easter weekend doing just that, I can concentrate again (once my brain stops reeling from the shock of writing about 25000 words in the space of four days, that is!) So this will be a review-filled week, I promise.

In the meantime, don't forget the third Scholar's Blog Book Discussion has kicked off over on the Scholar's Blog Spoiler Zone - please do join in if you've read Terry Pratchett's A Hat Full of Sky.


Anonymous said...

Pleeeeeeease review some of those books! I'm dying here!

Michele said...

Um, I was planning to !

Anonymous said...

(Dances with impatience) Well *hurry*! I really need to know!

Michele said...

Hey "Impatience", if you quit nagging, I might be able to finish one of the reviews I'm trying to write, and post it !