Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - cover art revealed
The Times has today revealed the cover art for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - children's edition and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - adult edition
from Bloomsbury. I have to say, I prefer the adult one this time around. I don't know who's drawn the children's cover (the article doesn't say) but I find it unappealing. However, since I have all the other books in the children's editions I will buy this one not the adult one, which features the rather nice Slytherin locket that's believed to be a Horcrux. I'm also slightly alarmed by the black borders on the children's cover - that doesn't bode well - and yes, I know we knew there'd be deaths, but...
I have to agree, the adult version looks better. Still, it doesn't affect the words on the page I suppose, which is the most important thing after all!
True enough. I just hope she doesn't "do a Frodo" on Harry and make him a permanent Muggle ! That would result in me shredding the book and sending it to JKR via Bloomsbury !
I've always liked (and bought) the British children's covers too, but this one seems lighter in tone compared to the other books, even with the sombre black edges. I can imagine the drawing on a humorous fantasy like Pratchett.
Exactly it looks like a Paul Kidby cover to a Pratchett novel and I don't like them. I've always loved the late, much-missed Josh Kirby's covers for the Discworld novels and find Kidby's covers don't work for me at all. Harry Potter should not look like a Discworld novel and that black border is just intimidating.
Sorry !
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